Man With Broken Bottle — David Keenan

Man With Broken Bottle


I'm continually amazed at the serendipitous happenings music brings to life 

It's gone beyond the point of questioning it's now a matter of getting out of the way. 

A train goes by streaking into the night like an iron horse through the battered bridge below, I tell you I've been smoking too much of late and we agree that you can't be too hard on yourself and you gotta have something.


You will not escape if you are a bitter man

Throw it all away dance around your kitchen man

You know, for show, inhale, sing 

La la la la la la la la la la la la la 


It strikes me as inappropriate for someone else's wife to vent spleen about marital affairs to me. I am an empathic person but the position I've been placed in is one that I despise. I'm not an on call receptacle for grief y'know? Put me on hold, pick that bone out of your throat. The governments after you? They're hiding under the bed? I think they'd fold under questioning the spineless creeps 


You will not escape if you are a bitter man

Throw it all away dance around your kitchen man

You know, for show, inhale, sing 

La la la la la la la la la la la la la 


You will not escape if you are a bitter man

Throw it all away dance around your kitchen man

You know, for show, inhale, sing 

La la la la la la la la la la la la la