
Brief erroneous love

Sanctimonious Scum 

The doornails are dead

Surreptitiously I read fear on the face of a coward in the corner 

Who would sell you for buttons in a heartbeat

Who would live inside your ear in an instant

In truth I had squandered the humility I’d hoarded for some time 

Wilfully scorning, consuming hard drugs and vile wine


Philomena tell me a story Sing me to sleep

I’ve been in the Wars

Without warning I walked straight for the door 

Jo Soap may yet rise from the lukewarm bed

In the clothes of a stranger I wibbled and I wobbled and I wandered 

directly towards the holy cesspool

Not a single sinner in sight

As the working class Magi narrates

You can take the lad out of the Council estate 

When we were younger it always seemed to be sunny 

We’d steal cigarettes and buy clothes from a man in van


Philomena tell me a story Sing me to sleep

I’ve been in the Wars 

Sing me to sleep, can I stay with you during the week 

We could feed the wee birds.

The slum Queen rose up

The cracked king cried poor mouth 

The slum Queen gave one look

And the crack King was crying poor mouth, 

Poor me, poor me, pour me a drink

Death is doing backflips 

We could feed the wee birds.